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Classical Ballet  & Modern Dance

April 22, 2025 - Classical Ballet

April 23 - 25, 2025 - Modern Dance

: Davi Rodriques


Stage Dance

April 25 - May 1, 2025

Adjudicator:  Desiree Manning


For information contact the Dance Director: Karen through the contact page.

It is the responsibility of competitors and teachers to follow the Rules & Regulations of the Festival. Entries are the responsibility of competitors and teachersErrors or omissions are not the responsibility of the Festival. All disciplines run at the discretion of the Festival, dependent on sufficient entries.



Music is played backstage by the participant or dance teacher. Music MUST be downloaded onto a  computer ( computer works best)  but a device, tablet, or phone will work.  Please have  music downloaded onto a USB as  BACK UP ONLY.

These rules apply to Penticton Festival only – Provincial Rules vary



Stage will be marked for centre and quarter points. No other markings are permitted. We regret that special lighting is not possible. Marley floor will be provided.


Any dancer who leaves the stage during a performance shall be allowed one re-start for adjudication only. If the competitor is not at fault, i.e., failure of lighting, etc., the repeat performance will be adjudicated and marked as usual.


Props may be placed by teacher or volunteer. Please do not drag or push items along the floor. Loading dock is available for large items during non-competitive times. Please co-ordinate with a dance venue volunteer if using the loading dock.



No person may compete in 2 different entries in the same class/category. This includes GROUP DANCES. There will be a 3 point penalty deducted from the score if this occurs. Teachers, please advise dance director if a conflict occurs.


Changes of dance category are not permitted during the festival except at the discretion of the Dance Director ( ie. Medical Reason).  All change requests must be submitted by February 10. A change fee of  $15 will be STRICTLY ENFORCED and MUST be paid prior to performance